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P.O. Box 44, Wood Mountain, SK, S0H 4L0
Phone: (306) 266 - 2032

Our Student Growth Program   

What is it?

Our Growth Program is set up to teach and mentor students with the Word of God.  Students are introduced to their true identity, which is found in Jesus Christ.  When students become aware of the truth of God's word and put it into practice, they re able to experience freedom from believing falsely about themselves, others and God.  The Growth Program is set up to work at the individual student's own pace; as well the students we receive are at different places in their relationship with God, themselves, and others.  There are requirements and responsibilities for each stage of growth; that allows a student boundaries, levels of responsibilities and freedoms as the progress, mature and journey through the stages.  Our hope is that each student will learn they have been given a life for a reason, and each have great purpose and value.  Students work with a mentor on a regular basis, studying and learning about Jesus Christ and the truth about who they are created to be.  Music and worship can be a powerful tool in ministering and teaching our youth.  Music is used in conjunction with the Growth Program to help students experience what the spoken word sometimes has trouble expressing, and music ministers comfort, hope and healing.  We believe we are all God's workmanship, and we have been created in Christ Jesus to do good (Ephesians 2:10).  Students and their families learn, they are fearfully and wonderfully made; they need a Saviour, and that love is an action word.  In the final stage, students are mentored to finish well, set s.m.a.r.t. goals, and plan to return back to home or go out into the work force.


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