WE NOW HAVE ETRANSFER! To donate via etransfer, please email Lara Moroz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Etransfers are now set up with auto deposit. WE ARE VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL DONATIONS!
Have you ever considered long term who will benefit from your assets? If there are no intentional plans in place, much of our estates will end up with Revenue Canada! We have the ability to plan right now! Why not plan a lasting legacy to your family AND your favourite charities, like Broken Arrow Youth Ranch? Did you know that no matter the size of your estate, there are only 3 places your money can be sent:
1. Taxes and fees
2. Loved ones
3. Charities
Adding a charity such as ourselves as a beneficiary to your estate redirects money to charities that you chose, that would otherwise end up going to taxes. We are asking that you consider where your money will be going long term.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM, PLEASE CALL LARA AT 306 266 2032 OR EMAIL AT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any monetary donations may be made out to: Christ the Solid Rock, and mailed to Broken Arrow Youth Ranch, Box 44, Wood Mountain, Sk. S0H4L0, attention: Lara Moroz.